mother f..k, my ability of speaking English...getting worseeeee...
It's tired after presentation, because I usually sleep well before the night.
quite glad it finished, bad new is, tutor had a car accidental...poor Simon...
I believe I'm get better than before in research...but English...
never mind, I am keep going...
Brief of this project:
In the book, “Music, Acoustics and Architecture”, the writer said: “Acoustics phenomena have been an unavoidable part of man’s environment since earliest times. Most living organisms not only produce sound but respond to it.”
People live in the world; we use the eyes to see, the ears to hear, the skin to touch, all sense organ are important for us to experience and live in the world.
Also, we need to think about the quality of our life. The important factors of our life qualities, both for physic and mental health are atmosphere, vision, and sound and space distribution.
With sound, we can communicate to each other easily, listen to the music, experience and enjoy the world.
目前分類:我的設計作業 (4)
- Feb 27 Wed 2008 02:33
- Feb 05 Tue 2008 06:29
My first project will focus on the relationship of environment and health. The question I always ask myself is “what is health place”?
According to the WHO: health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Therefore, a health space is a place where make people complete relax, feel comfortable, and be mentally and physically harmonious. They need to be satisfied by the human needs. So we need to look at “what is human’s need?” and “what do they want and be aware by environment?”
First, let me talk about the theory of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
In this pyramid, I can separate the 5 needs into 2 parts. The first one is physiological, second part is psychological (also means mental one). The higher needs in this hierarchy only come into focus when the lower needs in the pyramid are satisfied. The lower needs of physiological and safety belongs to physiological, the contents of physiological are “Excretion/ Eating/ Sex/ Drinking/ Sleeping/ Shelter/ Warmth”. It’s including lots of natural elements such like sun/ food/ water / air. There are plenty of examples of connecting the environment with the natural elements. Another one is safety need, its contents including “Personal security from crime, Financial security, Health and well-being, Safety net against accidents/ illness and the adverse impacts.”
When we consider the factors of develop a space, not only should the physiological needs be satisfied, moreover, the mental needs need to be cared.
In the middle of this pyramid is love and belongs, in another word, we need friendship, intimacy, having a supportive and communicative Family. People need to be acceptance. When I transform the meaning into a spatial need, we need both socializing and privacy.
Next one is ego, also called esteem needs. All humans have a need to be respected, to have self-esteem, self-respect, and to respect others. The contents of this one including we hope we are individual and unique one; we need to be recognized by people and can present our self to others. It is involved with territoriality and related with safety needs.
In the top is self-actualization, In Maslow's scheme, the final stage of psychological development comes when the individual feels assured that his physiological, security, affiliation and affection, self-respect, and recognition needs have been satisfied. As these become dormant, he becomes filled with a desire to realize all of his potential for being an effective, creative, mature human being.
Also, psychological imbalances such as depression can also prevent one from obtaining self-esteem on both levels. In modern society, we live in rich countries, we all know the physical health has improved, but obviously, mental problem is more than we can image. The tense of daily hustle and bustle, unhealthy lifestyle such like eat more but move less, the improve of technology lead people lose the “face to face” ability, too many information to deplete the life energy. The 24/7 life style make people get lost in daily life. The environment needs help to re-charge life energy, and find the way to cerate the properties of health- renewal, balance and development.
To be satisfied by these human needs, we can cope with lots of physiological and mental problems, as follow, I will show a case to analyzed how the space elements influence people, how people’s reaction by their surrounding.
- Jan 29 Tue 2008 17:01
what is health?
賽門要我回來再想想,什麼樣的空間讓人覺得是"health space",
充其量也只是one part of the type of health facilities.
這一次的課題先focus on "what is health space?"
There're 3 parts in this project,
"environment and health"
"type of health facilities"
"case study"
I'll start with 1st: environment and health. Back to the beginning, what is health space? According to the WHO: health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
所以,a health space is a place where make people complete relax, feel comfortable, and physical harmony is in balance with mental state. 這樣的空間場合可能發生在所有日常生活中。In house, school, work place, shopping mall… all kinds of living space should be a health space, most important of all is to find out “what are the elements and factors to make a space turn into health space?”
This is an important question for the issue “environment and health.” If we want to create health, we need to notice its multilevel involving processes, functions and psychological state and bodily structure. Moreover, don’t forget the important property of health: renewal, balance and development. For nature, these are cycle of natural world, balance of each elements and fertility development. For human being, these are life vigor, emotional stability and spirit growth.
Beside to talk about the influence factors of natural elements, above these is “time.”
We need time to nurture our body and spiritual development. We need time to experience the daily life and movement. So, the building is built upon these principles.
Type of health facilities 至於在醫療設施方面,則有以下多種分類
1.ambulatory care centers
2.cancer centers
3.emergency care facilities and medical centers
5.long-term care facilities (養老及養護中心)
6.pediatric facilities
7.specialty facilites
8.women’s health care center (坐月子中心?)
常見的像是hospital, medical center, clinic and pediatric facilities.
想特別提出的第7項,其分項諸如有preventive medicine, physical therapy, fitness center and rehabilitation unit. (水療、復健以及預防醫學)
其實從第一段到第二段討論的跳題有點跳太快,本來要討論health space,結果還是很快的想到了醫療中心的分類研究。
- Jan 21 Mon 2008 08:41
期中Project _ 序篇
跳出去講,想先著手研究接待中心、Home Studio、Hotel and SPA shop。
接待中心是服務性的空間,在台灣最常見的就是賣房子的地方啦!近年來的接待中心都是出動很多建築師打造令人讚嘆的空間,我想其中最重要的因素是『宣傳的賣點』。這類的案例有如過江之鯽,因為房市太發燒。不過我看中的應該是空間中『創造』的特性。不同的案例有著不同的內涵,比如說豪宅推案的接待中心就一定會搞的很豪華,原相聯合建築師事務所在台中的案子:GLASSWARE ON WATER就用三萬多塊的玻璃磚主題凸顯光的特性,容我很俗氣的下了一個『夜晚中閃閃發亮』的評語。遠雄建設在內湖的上林苑也不惶多讓,利用玻璃鋼構把室內外空間的視覺感受全部打通。室內雜誌2007的介紹中說明“為突顯此一建案的特色,設計師黃書恆在構思整個接待中心時,便藉由拉大空間的比例尺度, 強化戲劇性效果,突顯豪宅氣勢。從外圍街道進入,迎面是整個建物的正立面,踏入室內後,迎面為高達10米的雕塑牆,以微妙角度和高度比例變化,聳立如教堂 中雄偉的管風琴,白晝時透過光影變化,展現不同律動感,夜間,宛若由琴鍵縫裡透出LED光芒,顯現晝夜迥異的效果。”等等,接待中心已經要華麗到人們購買居家時想買的是接待中心而不是房子啦!